Sunday 8 May 2011

The Mountains and the Trees

After recovering from the hangover, which by the way was induced after only 4 Kopperbergs, I think I might be a lightweight, I got to thinking about the gig at which caused the hangover. It was a quiet affair at a little bar in Southampton called Hamptons a hubmle little bar. there were three main bands playing, The Hollow orchestra in which a friend from work plays (check them out they are pretty good,, a band called My First Tooth (the bass quitar is played by a woman which is the height of cool) and a Canadian guy called The Mountains and the Trees.

I have a little addiction to new music, I get bored easily so you can expect that once a week there I'll be spending my pennies on a new album of some sort. I really enjoy listening to new bands that arn't really 'my thing', its always so much more refreshing when you don't know what to expect. Anyway, the Mountains and the Trees really impressed me, it was just one guy with one of those things that records a bar of 8 or two and loops it, so he was playing all kinds of things himself, even using a violin bow on his guitar strings, very impressive.

So needless to say I bought his album, and the 'Bonus track' is a song called Letter to a freind. The lyrics are so relevant to me at the moment, just the other day I was thinking I should write a letter to a 'friend' of mine, I won't mention names. one of the lines 'the bridges you burned along the way, the smoke can still be seen', seemed so ironic. I'm a strong beleiver that in this world you have to be selfish because you only get one life and you don't get second chances at it. However, some people really are in a world of their own and 'never go out of their way to make somebody elses day' and should expect the same back. At the end of the song, the 'friend' dies, and nobody goes to his funeral so I guess the moral of the story is, don't be so self absorbed that you end up dying alone!

Jon Janes - The Mountain and the Trees.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Home James

Back from holiday. Eurgh.

Life always seems so much more dismal and grey after holidays. Particularly when you come home to T4 stage cancer.

No, its not nice. No, its not easy going. Yes, it certainley is stressfull. We all have to go some way or another.

So anyway, after an hour of serious holiday blues, and deep 'meaning of life' questions, I have come to this conclusion. Every experience is a lesson. It may not be a nice one, it may be disgusting. But every event teaches you something about life, or people or accomplishment. This year I feel, amongst many things, like I have accomplished something. It may not be big, or exciting, or have ticked anything off my list, but it has made me stronger.

'Stronger. -  Powerfully affecting the mind, senses, or emotions' ... Wikipedia, of course.

This year has certainly affected my mind, senses and most significantly, my emotions. And not affected my ability to fake strength, but my ability to be really be strong, inside. The most valuable lesson in life. 

Yes, being home once more has certainly affected my state of mind.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Philisophcal Ponderings

wow, so apparently you never realise the facts of life until you just stop. I mean really, stop.

So I'm on holiday in Oman, It's beautiful enough to stop your heart. Its time like this, which for some may be  few and far between, but nevertheless are times which become nostalgic thought filled holidays. When I lo back over the last year, I think 'SHIT THE BED'.. That was a difficult year.

Yes, its lovely to relax, yes its lovely to forget for a while the stress and strain, but what is most important to remember is to be thankfull for everything you have, including those around you.

Sunday 20 March 2011

I like old movies..

After and evening of 5 star procrastination, (which I am quite proud of actually, avoiding work for 8 hours straight, even though you are sat at your desk with the work right in front of you the whole time, takes some serious skills) I decided on thursday to just give up pretending that I'm being productive, and just watch TV, because there really is no point trying to fight the procrastination bug at 2am.

My favourite tv ad comes on, the advert, you know the one that goes 'I like old movies.... like the godfather.... threeeee... not considered the best one.. But thats just me'. Brilliant advert, so cute. Anyway, so I though I would just check it out, see what all the fuss was about, mainly because I like the advert I'm not ashamed to say, I am influenced that easily by adverts. But Alas, you have to set up an account to actually see anything other than the log in screen. I should mention now, I am not looking for love. certainly not on the internet! There is something about online dating that screams 'desperate and can't get a date'.. I would like to assure you, thats not me! (yea sure jemma, keep saying that and it will most definitely be true)

So after spending a good hour filling in my profile page, carefully thinking about how many times you can use the word 'cool' before you start to sound like a teenager from the 80's, the profile is finished. Who knew that a brief description of yourself could be so hard? One of the questions: 'how would you describe yourself?: Very attractive, attractive, average, unnattractive'.. Well what on earth am I supposed to say to that?! If I put very attractive I sound really narcissistic, if I put average I'm underselling myself, unattractive then nobody will be interested. But if I put attractive and people don't actually think I am (which they can tell by the carefully selected profile picture, which may as well have been painted by Davinci after the amount of time spent chosing it) then they'll think I'm really vain! You see the dilemma. And do I really care anyway?!

Some of the things the men put on their profile, jesus christ! A man in his 40's, probably was atrractive once, not so much anymore due to the hair protruding from his nose and ears, puts 'if you are unnattractive please don't expect me to email you'. Good god! Its a dodgy business this online dating malarky, particularly because if you like someone's profile, you let them know by metaphorically winking at them. *CRINGE*. I definitely feel like Ive entered an online version of take me out, where everyone is judging me and saying cringy things and winking all over the shop.  

And can you really find love online anyway? I'm a firm beleiver that you don't find love until you stop looking, and I honestly don't know if its good that you can pick and choose your future partners traits. It should be called And what makes a good partner anyway? Someone who is exactly the same as you in every way? because that sounds insanely boring to me. I mean lets face it, if you dislike everyone who isn't the same as you then there must be something quite wrong!

So I guess what I'm saying is that this online dating thing is qute frankly weird. It makes me feel like a combination of how I felt when I first watched Requim for a dream and The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Like something isn't quite right and that a dominating transvestite might jump out and wink at me at any point. No, not quite like that. I didn't check the 'I'm looking for a transvestite' box.

Friday 11 March 2011

Knowledge, Passion and Madness.

So, having just come from my place of work (I use the term 'work' loosely here, as most of the time I just drink coffee and chat) which this morning was at a social morning for the over 50's, I have an uncontrollable urge to blog again. Clearly some kind of addiction is forming here. I should explain that for work, I volunteer for Age Concern Southampton, partly in the office and party helping out with activities for the over 50's.

Anyway, at the weekly session there are two fascinating women that never fail to amuse/ inspire/ confuse me. The first is a lovely vietnamese woman, who despite the fact her English is not very good, always wants to talk about deep and meaningfull topics such as religion and knowledge, Atoms and science. It is, admitedly, often a little heavy handed for 10am on a friday, when I have yet to drink the first and most vital coffee of the day. Nevertheless, the woman made some good points today, that really made me think. She talked very passionately about her 7 (7?!?!) Grandchildren a lot, and given that it has taken her 30 years to leave the comfort of her own home and come to a social morning to discuss the things she has learned, it was clear that her family are important to her.

Now, my family isn't the biggest group of people, but in the past year when times have been hard I have come to be more and more thankful for my parents. Yes, they have their faults, like when Mum doesnt do her filing for 4 years at a time until one day, when I'm looking for that one letter which is so important that not being able to find it might actually end my life, the MOUNTAIN of filing topples over onto me and sends me to an untimely reclyling bound death. Or when Dad really helpfully slips in a few bits of my washing, sets it to his usual 145 degree cycle and I'm left with clothes that are only fit for the wardrobe of a Barbie doll.  Strangely, those are the things I love most about them because they are the most endearing and probably the memories that I will take to my grave. 

The other lady, I'm afraid I do not know much about. Other than that she seems to have a burning passion for just about everything. On a weekly basis, she comes into the social morning bearing a world of goods wrapped in a co-op bag that probably hasn't been made since the 1950's, and from the heavenly parcel she withdraws all manner of cooking recipes, cat calenders, alottment guides, newspaper articles about chair making, photos of andy warhol and almost certainly a poster, card or pamphlet about international womens day. You may be thinking that she sounds mental, and to be honest there may well be a few marbles missing from the bag, but her passion never fails to impress me. The women could get passionate about a thimble if she wanted to, infact, she probably already is. It is this broad passion for just about anything that I really wish I had right about now, when exam stress is starting to kick in and my motivation for Uni work is thin and far between.

Procrastination over. Time to crack on with life!

Thursday 10 March 2011

Jumping on the Bandwagon

Forgive me for adding another blog to cyber space,  some blogs that I have read are quite frankly, BORING. Who really wants to read (in extragavent detail, I might add) some poor buggers 1500 word rant about how their boyfriend leaves his toenail clippings on the coffee table?! This will not be one of those blogs.

On the other hand, some of the blogs I have read are hilarious, thought provoking and heartwarming, Particularly a blog by a family friend - Musings and Learnings. A bloody good read, and good when combined with the morning coffee, despite the somewhat dark content. 

I do wonder how people think up the name of their blog? I've spent probably a little too long trying to think of a title that is funny, random and inspiring, relevant, fashionable, that reflects who I am (if you have a blog, you probably know already that its not actually possible) and am left somehow feeling a little.... deflated. Who knew summing up your life in under 8 words could be so taxing? For goodness sake its only a blog, Yet the title of this soon to be awe inspiring blog has consumed my life for approximately 26 minutes now. Get a grip Jemima...

Moving swiftly on.. Welcome to my blog. I sincerely hope I don't bore your tits off, and maybe one day some fashionable city slickers will be reading my weekly digest with their coffee in the morning, soaking up the inspiration (example below), entertainment and life lessons within. Yes, unlikely it does sound, but one must set their targets high!